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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Half-term Holiday School will be closed from Mon 28th Oct- Fri 1st Nov for the half term break.We will reopen on Mon 4th November at 9am. We hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday. | Reminder for week beginning Mon 21st Oct Donations for the Trussell Trust Appeal can be made up to Friday 25th October. Thank you for your generosity.Movie Time Sessions for KS1/2 on Wed 23rd October.Non-Uniform day on Thurs 24th October (children may come to school in Halloween costume (no weapons/ accessories please) or in their own clothes).Harvest Assembly on Fri 25th October
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Our Future

Once Braidside IPS had settled on the Fry’s Road in Ballymena, the school began to grow and with each increase in numbers a temporary mobile building was placed on the site. Despite working in less than ideal surroundings however, the pupils and teachers at Braidside have always worked hard to achieve great things. By 2007/08 the school encompassed 7 double mobiles and 1 single classroom block, a large multi-purpose hall/ reception area and a rented mobile used as a library/ multi-purpose room on the site. The original temporary mobiles, placed in 1992; had been in use for 15 years and although the school continued to maintain these, it was evident that what was needed most was a new permanent school. The Principal and Governors began a process to press the Department of Education for accommodation which would meet the needs of the pupils and the school; a building fit for the 21st Century.

However, this process was not one which happened quickly and steps included an economic appraisal, a feasibility study and a search for an appropriate site. It was to the delight of all in the Braidside community then, in January 2013, that Braidside IPS was included in the Schools’ Capital Programme. A new school was finally on its way!

Since then there have been many milestones met along the way including:

  • The appointment of our Consultants and Project Managers; White Young Green (WYG)
  • The appointment of the architect; Isherwood and Ellis
  • The approval of a Business Case
  • The appointment of a contractor, Glasgiven Contracts Ltd.

Within this section and the News section of our website we will endeavour to keep you informed of progress and will provide photographs as work unfolds.

On 22nd August 2018, demolition of the old Castle Tower site began and as children and parents returned to school after the summer holidays it was evident that work had begun in earnest. The site in being cleared and prepared for the foundations of our new school to be laid. We will watch eagerly over the months ahead as our new school becomes a reality and takes shape. An exciting journey is beginning for us all!



16th Sep 2020
There have been a lot of changes to adapt to since the start of classrooms...
14th Feb 2020
Over the last few weeks we have begun the process of packing up, in preparation...
11th Dec 2019
It's been great to see more progress being made at the new school. Work on the new...