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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Credit Union Savings Credit Union Savings will commence on Monday 23rd September. Passbooks along with any money to be deposited can be placed in the grey collection box at the school entrance on Monday mornings. 
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Welcome to P4H!

27th Aug 2020

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians, 


Welcome back to our lovely new school and to Primary 4! It was just so lovely to see the delight in all of the children's faces yesterday as they sat in their new shiny classroom and toured around the school. Please be assured that your child's safety, happiness and well being will be at the heart of everything we do as we all adjust to the new normal both in our new school and with regards to the current pandemic. 

Please remember that your children will be starting back to school on Tuesday 1st September as Monday 31st August is a bank holiday and please remind them to bring a coat, their lunch and their box of stationery items, sanitiser and tissues with them if they haven't done so already.  I have attached a list of what to include in your child's box for your reference and you will find your child's staggered start and finish time for each school day within the restart guidance on the school website. Please remind your child that once they bring their box in it is to remain in school. Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday and as we are not changing for PE at present please ensure that your child wears appropriate PE joggers/bottoms on these days. Children will also be required to wear PE gutties so please send these in as soon as possible in a bag clearly labelled with your child's name.

As the year goes on please remember to check the school website for new information and updates regularly. I look forward to spending this year with your child and all the fun and learning we will have together. 


Best wishes, Mrs Horan.