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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Take 5 Sponsored Walk What a great day we had for our sponsored walk! All money should be returned to school by Friday 17th May. We are grateful for your support and will share the final total of money raised on week beginning 20th May. I hope the children will share with you all the different activities from the Take 5 day.
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P6O work. Tuesday 26/5

26th May 2020

Hello P6. How are you all doing? I hope you enjoyed your tea parties yesterday. The pictures were great. It was lovely to see so many happy faces.

So back to work today. This week there are spelling tasks, New Wave English and Maths and a writing task to work on- "Mr Wolf".(Apologies for the way I had to upload the Mr Wolf pictures but I couldn't get it all to work for me this morning. It's from pobble365 website if you want a clearer image.)

Remember to email me with any work you'd like me to see

Take care,

Mrs O' Neill