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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Credit Union Savings Credit Union Savings will commence on Monday 23rd September. Passbooks along with any money to be deposited can be placed in the grey collection box at the school entrance on Monday mornings. 
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P6O fundraiser for Indonesia

19th Oct 2018

As part of our class topic on Natural Disasters we have been looking at the after effects of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia earlier this month. We were shocked at how badly the country and the people were affected. We wanted to do something to help. We did a class assembly to let the pupils in key stage two know about it. We have decided to raise money to help by holding a non-uniform day on Friday 26th October. Pupils can wear their own clothes or a fancy dress costume to school (without scary masks please). Donations of £1 will be gratefully accepted to send to aid agencies helping in Indonesia. Thank you.