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P4/5M - Letters for you to read!

23rd Jun 2020

Hi P4/5M

Today, I'm uploading the lovely letters written to you by Mrs Conly, Tanya and Gillian.  I hope you enjoy reading them.

You have heard so much from me over the last number of weeks from my weekly updates so I'm sure you have had enough of me! However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my very special pupils from P4/5M, for all their hard work throughout the year.  You were such a joy to teach and made me smile everyday! I have missed you all so much but I'm looking forward to seeing you all again in our new school building in September!

Also, I would like to thank all the parents out there too!  You, like myself, had the daily challenge of encouraging your children to study at home and I can honestly say that I found it a challenge!!!  Bribing my children with domino pizza did help me out on a few occasions!

I'm going to end today with a very special poem to everyone in P4/5M


I'm so proud

I was your teacher.

I've watched you

learn and grow.

We worked so hard,

and had such fun,

How fast the time did go!

Our year was interrupted,

and it seemed too soon to part.

Just know that you will always have

a special place within my heart!

With love, Mrs McLaughlin xx

Gillian (23rd Jun 2020) View download document
Mrs Conly (23rd Jun 2020) View download document
Tanya (23rd Jun 2020) View download document