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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Take 5 Sponsored Walk What a great day we had for our sponsored walk! All money should be returned to school by Friday 17th May. We are grateful for your support and will share the final total of money raised on week beginning 20th May. I hope the children will share with you all the different activities from the Take 5 day.
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Human Robots

21st Nov 2022

Coding Module 2 🌟❗️🌟. 

We were set the challenge of designing a route using cones in the playground. We had to follow directions called by group members to get from one point to the next.  We learned lots about turns, degrees, stepping into the map to see what way need to be facing and estimating th number of steps required from one cone to the next. 

Debugging is SO important!  Test as we go along! That is the key! 

As part of a working memory activity we then had to return to class and draw our cone design into a squared page and write our algorithm for our route.  We had the opportunity of following other algorithms pupils had written. 

We then were introduced to apps - Scratch, Lightbot, Beebot and Safari Coding.  We played the apps- working through different levels- writing code, following code and learning about procedures. 

Finally, our favourite part was designing Egyptian Maps- based on Pyramid discoveries. Have a look…